We use cookies on this website as well as on other third party sites where we display these pages. You can find out more about cookies and how to manage them by consulting the information below.
By using our website, pages and/or services, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.
If you do not accept the use of these cookies, please deactivate them by following the instructions in this Cookie Policy. For example, you can change your browser settings so that the cookies on this website cannot be placed on your device.
What terms are used in these Terms of Use?
We use the term “User” when referring to users of our websites, online pages and services.
We use the terms “you”, “your” and “yours” in reference to the User who is reading this Cookie Policy.
We use the terms “Protection Unit”, “we” and “our” to refer to PROTECTION UNIT, the registered office of which is located at rue Campagne du Moulin 53/12 – 4470 Saint-Georges-Sur-Meuse (Belgium), VAT BE 0881.569.949, the data controller.
We use the term “Personal Data” to refer to personally-identifiable information about you.
We use the term “GDPR” to refer to European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation – the “GDPR”) which came into force on 25 May 2018 and partially repeals the Belgian Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data in force up to that point.
What is a cookie?
Cookies are text files that contain a small amount of information and that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the original website on each subsequent visit, or during a visit to a website that recognises a given cookie. They are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device.
Cookies perform many functions, such as allowing you to navigate efficiently between pages, remembering your preferences and, generally, improving the user experience. They can also help ensure that the ads you see on a website are more interesting to you given your interests.
Some cookies contain personal information. For example, if you tick the “remember me” option when you log in, a cookie stores your username. Most cookies do not collect personally-identifiable information and instead collect more general information, such as how the user arrived on the website and how he or she uses our websites, as well as the general location of the user.
There are four main types of cookies:
- Session cookies that only last for the duration of the session. These are erased when the user closes the browser.
- Persistent cookies that remain after the session has been closed. They are stored on the user’s hard drive until they expire (persistent cookies are designed with an expiration date) or until the user deletes the cookies on the device. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as his or her behaviour when surfing the internet or his or her preferences for a specific website.
- “First party” cookies belong to the website on which you land.
- “Third-party” cookies, on the other hand, are imported from a website the content of which is accessible indirectly, for example via an image or a banner.
Most browsers support these cookies (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Safari, etc.). In any case, users can set their browser to disable cookies or choose to delete them.
What cookies do we use?
Generally, we use cookies that fulfil four different functions:
- Essential cookies
Certain cookies are essential for carrying out processes on our website and on our pages. For example, some cookies allow us to identify the user and ensure that he or she can access the registration function or connect to certain pages. Other cookies allow us to store your purchases in the shopping cart before placing an order.
These cookies do not include information about you that could be used for marketing purposes or that track where you have been on the internet. This category of cookies should not be disabled. If a user chooses to make these cookies inactive, he or she then cannot access all the content of the pages visited. - Performance and analysis cookies
These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website, for example which pages visitors view most often and whether they receive error messages from certain pages. These cookies do not collect personally-identifiable information. All the information these cookies collect is anonymous and it is only used to improve the functioning of the website. - Functional cookies
We may use functional cookies that allow us to remember your preferences. For example, these cookies mean you do not have to re-enter your username each time you access a website and they remember your preferences, such as the regional version of the website you want to see when you log in. We may also use functional cookies to provide you with enhanced services that may, for example, allow you to view a video online or comment on a blog. - Behaviourally-targeted advertising cookies
We and our advertisers may use cookies to present you with advertising that we believe is appropriate for you, based on your interests. For example, if you read a number of articles on mechanics on our website or other sites, an automobile manufacturer might infer that you are interested in this subject and present you with advertising relating to its cars. You can see these advertisements on our website and on other websites you visit. Regardless, we do not tell our advertisers who you are.
Does anyone else use cookies on our website?
Advertisers sometimes use their own cookies to present you with targeted advertising. For example, advertisers may use a profile they have built based on the sites you have previously visited to present you with more appropriate advertisements while you are visiting websites. If you are based in the European Union and want to learn more about how advertisers use these types of cookies, or want to choose not to receive them, please visit In the case at hand we do not display such targeted advertising from third parties on our website and we do not authorise third parties to display such advertising or to place cookies for this purpose.
We use third party analytics cookies to help us assess traffic on our website. We may also use third-party cookies to help us with market research, revenue tracking, improving website functionality and assessing the website’s compliance with the terms and conditions and the copyright policy.
You can also manage and delete these cookies by means of your browser settings.
How do I manage and delete cookies on my browser?
Authorising, refusing or deleting cookies can also be done at the browser level. To do this, follow the instructions for your browser (these can generally be found under the “Help”, “Tools” and/or “Edit” tab). Refusing a cookie or categories of cookies does not delete cookies already on your device and you have to do this yourself in your browser. Remember, however, that if you choose to disable cookies this prevents some parts of our website from working properly.
Your consent
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